Monthly Membership

$39.95 per month

If you join the membership you will have access to all four fantastic courses that will take you from a total beginner to a confident player and you will receive your FREE Chord Jammer eBook when you sign up.

You will also be invited to join the private facebook community where you can post questions with anything you're having trouble with, get feedback on your playing and make song requests. The membership costs $39.95 per month and you will have access all areas as long as you are paying the monthly subscription. If you stop paying the monthly subscription you will lose access until you choose to sign up again.

Buy a yearly subscription and get 2 months free

*All prices are in USD.

Meet Michelle

With 30 years of piano playing under her belt, Michelle Orpe is a classically trained pianist who has branched out into rock, pop, jazz and blues. This wide range of skills on the keys gives Michelle a well-rounded backgorund for teaching. 

After teaching piano face-to-face for many years and with the editing and presenting knowledge from 15 years working as a Television Presenter, Michelle decided to use her mixed skills and launch her own online piano course, especially after hearing from students who had been frustrated with the courses they had tried. 

Michelle has created a specialised, visual teaching technique that simplifies learning and helps you retain everything you learn to implement it into your playing.

Any of these sound familiar?

 You had lessons when you were a kid and really want to get back into it.

 You always wanted to play the piano but struggle to find the time for lessons.

 You tried to teach yourself online but keep getting stuck without the right guidance.

 You're bored of copying people's hands playing songs and want to learn how to actually play?

If this hit a chord (pun intended!) then My Piano Method is for you! Using a specialised, visual teaching technique, you'll learn how to play the piano with confidence. 

Choose between learning how to read sheet music and play the traditional way or take my Chord Jammer course and learn how to improvise and play pop piano.

If you have any questions please get in touch below.